Leadership Academy


This past week 4 of our cadets plus Ashrae Keyes as cadre made their way to the Citadel located in Charleston, South Carolina to begin their week of Leadership Academy. Leadership Academy mainly focuses on physical training and drilling although they still focus on academics. Cadets needed to be up and ready at 05:30 to start their morning off by doing physical training. Some of the workouts cadets did consist of push-ups, six inches, squats, and physical training with rifles.

In the cadet's classes, they learned about motivational leadership and more. They also received an AMI brief from Captain Hupp as well. This gave cadets the knowledge to bring back with them after the leadership academy.

On the last day, cadets had a graduation ceremony and received ribbons, a diploma, and their cords for completing Leadership Academy. One cadet specifically, Shelby Hedges got picked to be cadre and come back next year! All in all, an amazing job to all the Leadership Academy Graduates.

Article written by C/ENS Isabela Goebel
Reviewed by C/LCDR Klaire Heller

Contact us

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions! You can reach our Public Affairs Officer, Senior Naval Science Instructor, or Naval Science Instructor through the information below.

Captain Kevin Boyle, Senior NSI - kboyle@g.horrycountyschools.net

Chief Gregg Thompson NSI - gthompson002@g.horrycountyschools.net

Carolina Forest NJROTC

Carolina Forest NJROTC

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Myrtle Beach, SC