On Friday, April 19th, Carolina Forest High School cadets made their way to University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Cadets received a tour of the campus and learned about The University of North Carolina at Charlotte’s AROTC and AFROTC. Once cadets were done being talked to they made their way to the UNCC food court for lunch and then made their way back to their hotel for the night.
On Saturday, April 20th, our cadets made their way to Mooresville High School to compete in the annual Mooresville Drill Meet. The routines performed were Unarmed Platoon, Armed Platoon, Unarmed Squad, Armed Squad, Freshman Squad, Varsity Colorguard, and Freshman Colorguard. Our cadets showed great precision and dedication and ended up placing first overall at the Mooresville Drill meet. Once the drill meet was over cadets made their way back to the hotel so they could get ready to go to the Southpark mall. Overall our cadets performed exceptionally well and we are beyond proud of them.
On Sunday, April 21st, our cadets spent their last day at Carowinds. Cadets arrived at the park early and were able to roam freely and do what they wanted to at the parks in groups of 2 or more. Unfortunately Carowinds was wrapped up early due to weather but our cadets still had plenty of fun at Carowinds and they look forward to going next year.
Article written by C/ENS Isabela Goebel
Contact us
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions! You can reach our Public Affairs Officer, Senior Naval Science Instructor, or Naval Science Instructor through the information below.
C/ENS Isabela Goebel, Public Affairs Officer
Captain Kevin Boyle, Senior NSI - kboyle@g.horrycountyschools.net
Chief Gregg Thompson NSI - gthompson002@g.horrycountyschools.net